Admission and Enrolment
Durante el curso 2020/21, a causa de las circunstancias especiales derivadas de la pandemia, se demorará la finalización de algunos estudios de máster. Los interesados/as en cursar el doctorado que no hayan terminado aún sus estudios previos por este motivo en la fecha de conclusión del plazo de solicitudes podrán solicitar su admisión igualmente dentro del plazo previsto, presentando el informe provisional de calificaciones del máster en lugar del resguardo de título e informe académico. Estas solicitudes serán evaluadas y conservarán, en su caso, el derecho a la plaza que les corresponda hasta que concluyan los estudios que estén pendientes por este motivo.
Procedure and Deadlines for Pre-registration and Enrolment
Pre-registration will take place electronically by using file attachments to provide the documentation required to accredit the application, using the following link:
On the welcome screen, you must select the year 2021/22 (if it isn’t already selected). The form will remain open (excepting stoppages for maintenance) 24 hours a day, until the deadline has expired. If you already have the credentials for accesing University of Cádiz electronic services (because you were a student previously or if you are a professor or a member of the Administrative or Service Staff) you should use your usual username and password. Otherwise, you must first register as a new user. If you have any problems when filling out the form, please consult the help icon (?) which is located in the upper right hand corner, or contact
In your application, you must select one of the programmes included in the range of doctorate programmes on offer. The Academic Commission of that programme will be responsible assessing your application, once the administrative services have checked that you meet the access requirements set out in the regulations. In the application form you can also indicate two more programmes,in the event that you don’t obtain a place on the one you have chosen. However, this will only be taken into consideration once the process has finished and only for the programmes in which spacesare still available, based on the criteria of the corresponding Academic Commission.
You must attach all the required documentation and in the event that you are submitting the application with the intention of participating in a call for applicants for a pre-doctoral contract which requires pre-admission into a Doctorate Programme, you must indicate this in the “Additional Information” section so that the corresponding Academic Commission can assess your application.
If your application is accepted, the Academic Commission will asign you a tutor and you can start your enrolment.
Specified beloware the pre-registration and enrolment deadlines:
Applications _______________________ up to the 30th of September
Provisional results ________________ 2nd of November
Appeals ____________________________ 2nd to 6th of November
Resolution _________________________ 22nd of November
Enrolment (new access)___________26th of November to 9th of December
Enrolment _________________________1st to 15th of December
Once the Academic Commission of the Doctorate Programmes have concluded their assessment process, the provisional results (list of candidates admitted, not acceptedor on the waiting list) will be published on the same page. Similarly, once any appeals have been heard, the definitive results will be published and the enrolment period will then be open to the candidates who obtained a place.
During the admission process, the interestedparties must consult the status of their application using this list or using the online platform they used to submit it. Once said process has been concluded, the Academic Commission of programmes with places still available can assess the aditional preferences indicated in applications by applicants who didn’t obtain a place. Said commissions may award candidateswith one of the vacant spaces and will notify the interestedparty personally. After the standard enrolment period has finished, the application form will re-open so that the Academic Commissions can admit students after the deadline, in those programmes in which all of the available spaces have not been filled.